990 Data Infrastructure

Providing an open source platform making US nonprofit data more accessible.

The 990 Data Infrastructure Project, led by GivingTuesday, is a collaborative initiative that aims to provide the public with centralized access to comprehensive 990 datasets and tools.

+ 5.3 Million Files Added

Our Vision

  • Enhance transparency in the nonprofit sector by making the 990 dataset more accessible and user-friendly.
  • Equip users with vital resources to support data-driven research within the sector.
  • Establish the core infrastructure that will allow users to build tools and initiatives for the sector’s benefit.
  • Host an environment for practitioners and users to collaborate on shared initiatives and research.

What does this really mean?

Raw Data

We provide the sector with raw 990 data, as well as other useful public tax data, in XML format via our Data Lake, which is programmatically updated with new IRS releases.

Tools and Assets

We are provide multiple tools and assets to further assist users in manipulating the 990 dataset, including a mapper, parser, metadata tables and more.

Processed Data

We offer access to structured data through our pre-curated data marts based on common needs, including Mission Statements, Programs/Services, Officers/Directors and Grant data. The structured data is also accessible via our API – with new data marts and APIs added on a regular basis to meet more user needs.

990 Datasets

This section offers user access to different layers of 990 data based on common user needs.

990 Data Lake

Explore raw 990 data through the Data Lake. This can be accessed through AWS, or command line.

Curated Data Marts

Download tailored research ready extracts of the full 990 and 990 PF datasets directly via your browser.


Query the 990 dataset using our MVP API based on any nonprofit ID (EIN) code.

Supported By

Our Partners

Who We Are

GivingTuesday is a Movement that Unleashes the Power of Radical Generosity Around the World.

GivingTuesday reimagines a world built upon shared humanity and generosity.

Our global network collaborates year-round to inspire generosity around the world, with a common mission to build a world where generosity is part of everyday life.

The GivingTuesday Data Commons is a global network that enables data collaboration in the nonprofit sector. The Commons convenes specialist working groups, conducts research into giving-related behaviours, reveals trends in donations and giving, and shares results and findings among its global community. With over 300 organizational collaborators and 50 global data chapters, the Data Commons is already the largest philanthropic data collaboration ever built.